Online photo exhibition hails cultural exchanges between China, India

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of China-India diplomatic ties. The anniversary is being celebrated in an online photo exhibition, called "Beautiful India Beautiful China," offering an experience focused on cultural exchange and mutual learning.

China and India - two ancient lands with their distinctive cultures have jointly promoted the development and prosperity of human civilization. The exhibition not only presents their unique evolution but also their deep friendship. 

With the theme "Dragon and Elephant Dance together for Win-win Outcomes," the online exhibition displays over 120 photos.

The photos focus on topics including natural scenery, bilateral friendship, people-to-people exchanges, and economic cooperation between the two countries.

"Pictures are the carrier of civilization. A picture is worth a thousand words. The photo exhibition presents us with a beautiful landscape of the splendid symbiosis of the two civilizations. It also allows us to look at China-India relations from a broader historical perspective, and draw inspiration from it," said Sun Weidong, Chinese Ambassador to India.

The ambassador added that the COVID-19 pandemic cannot change the people's aspiration for a better life, nor can it interrupt the general trend towards exchanges and mutual learning. So this photo exhibition is full of meaning in opening up a brand-new model of communication. 

"We used to say that language is the barrier, but now there are many people studying English and Hindi in China and also many schools teaching Chinese in India. So language is no longer the barrier, what we need now is a good platform for communication and dialogue," said Vikash Singh, an Indian teacher at Beijing Foreign Studies University.

The event is directed by the Embassy of China in India, the Consulate-General of China in Mumbai, and the China International Publishing Group, and organized by China Pictorial Publications.

The online photo exhibition will run until March next year.


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