'Nanhai I' wows Portuguese consul general in GZ

On November 23, André Sobral Cordeiro, the Consul General of Portugal in Guangzhou visited Maritime Silk Road Museum of Guangdong in Yangjiang city to learn about the discovery and excavation of the Nanhai I shipwreck, with the company of Zeng Chaoqun, curator of the museum.

On November 23, André Sobral Cordeiro(middle), the Consul General of Portugal in Guangzhou visited the Maritime Silk Road Museum of Guangdong in Yangjiang city.

Maritime Silk Road Museum of Guangdong, as China's first museum of underwater archaeology, houses a rich collection of porcelain and gold objects salvaged from the Nanhai I, a Chinese cargo ship dating back more than 800 years. The exquisite relics showcased the prosperity of maritime trade in China during the Southern Song Dynasty.

Impressed by the museum’s distinctive design and the exquisite cultural relics, Mr. Andre Cordeiro said that he liked the museum very much even though it was his first visit.

He added that Portugal is now working on the salvage and protection of an ancient shipwreck in the Atlantic, from which porcelain from China's Ming Dynasty has been found, and he hopes the ship could open up an opportunity for China and Portugal to exchange ideas and explore cooperation in this aspect.

China has the world's leading technology in underwater archaeological excavation. Mr. Andre Cordeiro believes that with China's support and assistance, it will be of great help to the Portuguese side in salvaging and excavating the sunken ship.

Source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WRPPJZ5ISf1sWlFBWtvTiw

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