Indonesia to Propose Spice Trail for UNESCO World Heritage List

The Indonesian archipelago has been known throughout history for its wealth of spices, from nutmeg, cloves, ginger, pepper to cinnamon, that were introduced to the world by the nation’s sailors in the past.

In regard to the spices that have been sought after worldwide thanks to their distinctive tastes, aromas and health benefits, the Education and Culture Ministry has recommended the great story of the spice trail be recognized by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (WHC), according to Kompas.

Nadjamuddin Ramly, the Education and Culture Ministry’s cultural heritage and diplomacy director general, told Kompas on Friday that his team was preparing the necessary documents for the spice trail’s submission to the WHC’s tentative list.

“After entering the tentative list, the spice trail could possibly be recommended to be inscribed as world cultural heritage,” said Nadjamuddin.

In October 2003, Indonesia signed the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage at a meeting in Paris.

At the time of writing, Indonesia has several sites inscribed on the World Heritage List, including the Borobudur and Prambanan temple compounds, the Sangiran early man site and Ombilin coal mine in the cultural category, as well as Komodo, Lorentz and Ujungkulon national parks and the tropical rainforests of Sumatra in the natural category.

Meanwhile, on the tentative list, which is an inventory of sites countries have proposed for consideration, Indonesia has 19 sites including the Tana Toraja traditional settlement, the prehistoric rock art area of Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat Kart and the old town of Jakarta and the four outlying islands of Onrust, Kelor, Cipir and Bidadari.


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