China boosts cultural interaction with first film week in Kenya

Kenya launched the first 2019 China Film Week at the University of Nairobi on Monday in a bid to enhance cultural interactions with the Asian giant.

The one week event will screen some of China's most popular blockbusters featuring famous actors such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Nine films will be drawn from different genres including comedy, drama, romance and action.

Joe Mucheru, the cabinet secretary in the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology, announced that plans were underway for a joint film production between China and Kenya". The cooperation would help Kenya grow the number of jobs, build skill capacity and technology innovation," he said.

He commended China for investing heavily in conserving and promoting their history, culture and way of life and ensuring that it is correctly depicted through film.

Mucheru urged Kenya to emulate China's success to boost cultural conservation. "As a government, we are committed to ensuring this cooperation is successful," Mucheru said.

He urged Chinese film producers to consider Kenya as an ideal production site, especially for films depicting Africa.

Guo Ce, the Economic and Commercial Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Kenya, said the Chinese Film Week in Nairobi is one of the events celebrating the 70th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China. He hoped that the event would become symbolic of China-Kenya cultural exchange in future.

"Film industry has become an important recorder of different cultures. Indeed, it has become an important component of culture and creativity in China," he said.

In a speech read by Julius Ogeng'o, the deputy vice chancellor of University of Nairobi, said rapid growth of Chinese film industry provides a learning opportunity for the enrichment of local content.

He noted that language was no longer a barrier and many Kenyans enjoy Chinese films. He hoped that Kenyan students who have been offered opportunities in China under government-sponsored scholarships, would study film production.

China's culture and entertainment industry has recently entered into a golden age. It is estimates that by 2020, its box office will reach $12.28 billion and exceed North America as the world's largest film market.


tim winter