Spice Route 2021 Art Gallery - Maritime Spice Trading Routes and Cultural Encounters in Indo-Pacific 2021

The search of spice initiated many expeditions to find the most effective and productive route in spice trade. Those expeditions did not only find the origin of spice producer, but also set up colonies and even new continents. The route became significant because along the route, many nations collide and left many legacies of life that exist until today. Some of these legacies are still exist with certain outstanding universal values, both to the countries and to the whole world. These irreplaceable values that can be found in many countries along the spice route show the wealth of world heritage that needs to be recognized and preserved.

Along with the forum events featuring scientific research from academics and scholars, the Maritime Spice Trading Routes and Cultural Encounters in Indo-Pacific 2021 event is also holding a fascinating art and design exhibition (posters, 2D and 3D artworks, fashion, game characters, infographics, photography and video, architecture and interiors). The works are from artists and designers’ interpretations of the topic from the point of view of the past, present and future.

Hosted by the Universitas Kristen Maranatha, the exhibition submissions can be viewed here: http://art.maranatha.edu/spice-route-2021-art-gallery/?lang=en#

tim winter